bismillah al-rahman al-rahim. dengan nama Tuhan yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang.
i promised myself to update my blog when i came to japan a year ago. but a year has passed and i've not written any posts there. and tonite, just tonite, amidst my unwell conditon due to my swollen tonsils..i had the urge to write something..and thus i decided to start a new blog. all over again. from zero.
so here it is.
so what now? where i do even begin?
sigh. masa belum datang sini bercita2 nak tulis blog hari2! siap berangan nak letak tajuk post as in day 2, day 2 etc. skrg dah day 400 kot haha :P
well what to do been busy studying (sightseeing too heee)
well like people's better late than never. so i want to make another promise to myself to not let this blog down. eh kalau mungkir janji pada diri sendiri tu camne ye..hmm.
so let me end this first entry of my blog by sharing a web site Syifa Al-Hidayah which i got from my brother. bagus blog ni..amal-amalkan la ayat-ayat quran tu. moga2 ada yang mendapat manfaat.
oyasumi n wasallam.
p.s: kalo ada sapa2 wondering tajuk post ni apa..maksudnya first time. jya ne!!
welkam to blogsphere wahai cik susan john :P