well i took me almost 2 months to write a new post here..hehe warui, warui hito. oh well what can i say i have no other excuses besides being really busy with work and sometimes just plain lazy.
ok a bit of update about my lab and research related stuff:
1. i changed my supervisor!! so first, i thought that the sensei that i contacted before coming here IS or WILL automatically be MY sensei. but no. after a year being here and after passing my entrance exam, suddenly he called me up and told me that i have to choose someone from my department to supervise me. he said he's only an advisor for me. it can be him..or anybody else. WT..?? so i had to talk to every sensei in my lab and finally chose a german guy to be my supervisor. and i also appointed my advisor to be my sub-supervisor. but then i was still unhappy about it and started to surf for other people..and then..boom out of nowhere i just simply discovered one american sensei who has a similar major to mine and interesting field of research too. i somehow got her contact details and made an appointment to see her. and all the while all i could think of..please please God let her want to have me as her student. so i met her, and was so, so happy that she was more than willing to supervise me. the only problem was, she's not from my department. to make it worse, she's not from the same faculty. but i went back to my advisor and my supervisor and told them about her. of course at first it was difficult and complicated but finally, it was all sorted out. so now, officially i have an advisor, one official supervisor and one outside supervisor for my supervising (international-jpn, ger, usa) team!! yokatta ne..which means with all these resouces, kena kerja lagi kuat la mcm ni..
2. what do u know..i found out that i had to present in nihongo for my happyoukai. it's not the weekly seminar for my lab which i was able to deliver in english most of the time. this time around it involved all 1st year students (masters and phd) in my school. and the requirement is to submit the materials in nihongo and give the presentation in nihongo as well. and my advisor said, "don't worry..u can do it" gosh i couldn't sleep for a few days because of this. but thankgod my tutor and my supervisor helped to edit my work, and i just had to practise and of course, i wrote all kanji yomikata in hiragana as well. i was so, so, so nervous but alhamdulillah it went fine. the commentator said that it was well planned. ureshikatta yo ne..dekita!!
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